13 de juliol del 2016

cacauets amb potes

It was a typical Saturday night. An old couple who had come in from the country hesitated for a moment at the doorway, holding each other's hand, and finally decided to come inside. They had lived together so long, this old country people, that they looked as similar as twins. They were brown, shriveled, and like two little walking peanuts.

Era un vespre de dissabte com la resta. Una parella gran que havia vingut del camp va dubtar per un moment a l'entrada, agafant-se les mans, però al final van decidir entrar. Feia tant de temps que vivien junts, aquells pagerols, que s'assemblaven com si fossin bessons. Estaven torrats, atrotinats, eren com dos petits cacauets amb potes. 

Carson McCullers La balada del cafè trist i altres relats [The Ballad of the Sad Café and Other Stories, 1951]. Trad. Yannick Garcia. Barcelona: L'Altra editorial, 2016, pàg. 28.